Wallpaper For Pc Biography
In case you need reminding from when you were a kid -- kids keep secrets from their parents. But there is one secret, for sure, that has to be brought out into the open... because it's killing them. And that secret is in some way they are involved in bullying. Maybe they're the bully, maybe they are the victim or maybe they' are a bystander but whatever the case, their parents need to know about it before another child dies.
In the coming months we are going to work on a campaign specifically to help parents engage their children in a conversation about this frightening part of their school days. Because we are all learning that there is a right way and a wrong way to approach this complicated issue, we are also going to seek out and bring families expert advice for the best way to handle these very difficult situations.
More than 30 years ago we created "Free to Be You and Me" as a way to send a message to parents to help their children know that whoever you are, whatever you look like, whatever you sound like or dress like, whichever way you may be different is not only okay--but something to celebrate.
I hope that our campaign which is in partnership with the Ad Council, the Department of Education and backed by great companies like AOL and Facebook to bring an effective bullying campaign to life that will educate parents about this horrible epidemic and allow children once again to be Free to be.
Please watch our video and share it with your friends.
One of the things I've learned this past year, is that there is no such thing as an innocent bystander--and that means all of us. We know about this problem now and if we stand by any longer, we are not innocent. We must come together to stop this. I am dedicated to it.
More information and resources are available now at
Free to Be You and Me, a Marlo Thomas project, knew the importance of specifically being anti-bully, when the film was on the airwaves back in 1974, was widely distributed through the school system when I was a kid...and now, apparently, entirely ignored today, by kids as well as governmental leaders.
Bullies bully becasue they've been (or are bullied) themselves, either at home or at school and this horror perpetuates itself into multiple suicides by the victims and also the bullies later on; as they face the mirror and see the monsters they've become - so for society to do nothing or to excuse this as a "Rite Of Passage" just sickens me - and the only REMEDY is hit back hard & fast at the parents, the schools, by suing the crap out of anyone, or any institutution, that is not immediately taking severe action against this form of traumatic hell that too many kids live in !!!
And YES, sue the cops for not responding to this as they would to any other Terror Threat !!!
This is a worthy cause. It seems like everywhere I turn, I read another heartbreaking case of a child committing suicide because of bullying. What makes these kids feel like they don't have anywhere to run or anyone to whom they can turn? I'm going to hazard a guess that with more of our lives being spent online, there are fewer places the bullies can't reach their victims. I believe the internet has brought and inspired many wonderful things, but this is a grim side effect that cries out for a solution.
Bullying is COMPLETELY different today, than it was when most of us were growing up !! What has changed it ??? Answer Facebook, and other social media sites !!! Children are able to get on these sites and say the most hurtful things about a child to dozens of other children almost immediately !! It would be great if some of these children DEFENDED the child, instead of agreeing with the bully !
UNFORTUNATELY - Girls are no longer made of sugar & spice & everything nice, for it's GIRLS that bully other girls on FACEBOOK & such, that are our Modern Day Scourge- and this worst than the Salem Witch Trials days, when teen girls who didn't like to be told what to do by older women, and would then make up things about these hapless souls, that others believed enough to set these poor women on fire !!!
Jesus H jumping christ!! Bullying is about growing up. We can't outlaw it, we can't stop it. Its the real world folks. And we certainly aren't making our children any stronger by always bringing in counselors every time something bad happens in their life. They need to learn and grow and deal with these things.
When my eldest was in 8th grade there was a bully tormenting him. Finally the bully stepped over the line by physically attacking him. My son stopped that right quick and defended himself. When I arrived at the school I was told the situation and the counselor got all upset when I told him that I approved of my son's response. The counselor said that I was an unfit role model and that I was being unrealistic. I replied by saying he needed to get out of his ivory tower and look around at the real world. I also promptly pulled my son out of public school and went back to home schooling.
Bullying is about growing and developing. My coddling our kids we are definitely not doing them any favors.
If the schools would allow the bullied student to fight back it would stop. I was beat on every morning on my walk to my third grade class. Two mean girls and a boy. The boy even stabbed me in the arm with a pencil and the lead broke off. I told the principal and my teachers but the ringleader was the spoiled grandaughter of the principal. So it was all my fault. I made the highest grades in our small school and my parents were nobody special so that did not go over well with the school. I was also a very cute, talented kid and when the IQ tests were given, my pal and I made the highest scores. That sealed my fate. However,one day my big sister, in High School, walked me to school and threatened the little snots with deadly force and they never bothered me again

Wallpaper For Pc Biography
In case you need reminding from when you were a kid -- kids keep secrets from their parents. But there is one secret, for sure, that has to be brought out into the open... because it's killing them. And that secret is in some way they are involved in bullying. Maybe they're the bully, maybe they are the victim or maybe they' are a bystander but whatever the case, their parents need to know about it before another child dies.
In the coming months we are going to work on a campaign specifically to help parents engage their children in a conversation about this frightening part of their school days. Because we are all learning that there is a right way and a wrong way to approach this complicated issue, we are also going to seek out and bring families expert advice for the best way to handle these very difficult situations.
More than 30 years ago we created "Free to Be You and Me" as a way to send a message to parents to help their children know that whoever you are, whatever you look like, whatever you sound like or dress like, whichever way you may be different is not only okay--but something to celebrate.
I hope that our campaign which is in partnership with the Ad Council, the Department of Education and backed by great companies like AOL and Facebook to bring an effective bullying campaign to life that will educate parents about this horrible epidemic and allow children once again to be Free to be.
Please watch our video and share it with your friends.
One of the things I've learned this past year, is that there is no such thing as an innocent bystander--and that means all of us. We know about this problem now and if we stand by any longer, we are not innocent. We must come together to stop this. I am dedicated to it.
More information and resources are available now at
Free to Be You and Me, a Marlo Thomas project, knew the importance of specifically being anti-bully, when the film was on the airwaves back in 1974, was widely distributed through the school system when I was a kid...and now, apparently, entirely ignored today, by kids as well as governmental leaders.
Bullies bully becasue they've been (or are bullied) themselves, either at home or at school and this horror perpetuates itself into multiple suicides by the victims and also the bullies later on; as they face the mirror and see the monsters they've become - so for society to do nothing or to excuse this as a "Rite Of Passage" just sickens me - and the only REMEDY is hit back hard & fast at the parents, the schools, by suing the crap out of anyone, or any institutution, that is not immediately taking severe action against this form of traumatic hell that too many kids live in !!!
And YES, sue the cops for not responding to this as they would to any other Terror Threat !!!
This is a worthy cause. It seems like everywhere I turn, I read another heartbreaking case of a child committing suicide because of bullying. What makes these kids feel like they don't have anywhere to run or anyone to whom they can turn? I'm going to hazard a guess that with more of our lives being spent online, there are fewer places the bullies can't reach their victims. I believe the internet has brought and inspired many wonderful things, but this is a grim side effect that cries out for a solution.
Bullying is COMPLETELY different today, than it was when most of us were growing up !! What has changed it ??? Answer Facebook, and other social media sites !!! Children are able to get on these sites and say the most hurtful things about a child to dozens of other children almost immediately !! It would be great if some of these children DEFENDED the child, instead of agreeing with the bully !
UNFORTUNATELY - Girls are no longer made of sugar & spice & everything nice, for it's GIRLS that bully other girls on FACEBOOK & such, that are our Modern Day Scourge- and this worst than the Salem Witch Trials days, when teen girls who didn't like to be told what to do by older women, and would then make up things about these hapless souls, that others believed enough to set these poor women on fire !!!
Jesus H jumping christ!! Bullying is about growing up. We can't outlaw it, we can't stop it. Its the real world folks. And we certainly aren't making our children any stronger by always bringing in counselors every time something bad happens in their life. They need to learn and grow and deal with these things.
When my eldest was in 8th grade there was a bully tormenting him. Finally the bully stepped over the line by physically attacking him. My son stopped that right quick and defended himself. When I arrived at the school I was told the situation and the counselor got all upset when I told him that I approved of my son's response. The counselor said that I was an unfit role model and that I was being unrealistic. I replied by saying he needed to get out of his ivory tower and look around at the real world. I also promptly pulled my son out of public school and went back to home schooling.
Bullying is about growing and developing. My coddling our kids we are definitely not doing them any favors.
If the schools would allow the bullied student to fight back it would stop. I was beat on every morning on my walk to my third grade class. Two mean girls and a boy. The boy even stabbed me in the arm with a pencil and the lead broke off. I told the principal and my teachers but the ringleader was the spoiled grandaughter of the principal. So it was all my fault. I made the highest grades in our small school and my parents were nobody special so that did not go over well with the school. I was also a very cute, talented kid and when the IQ tests were given, my pal and I made the highest scores. That sealed my fate. However,one day my big sister, in High School, walked me to school and threatened the little snots with deadly force and they never bothered me again
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