Girly Wallpaper Biography
ledgy depth glamour spacegender graffiti race truth paintraw secrets open heartsmessy fierce tender punch!
drippy blocks textured identityred white black peach clearoakland brooklyn LA london the bronxpeek-a-boo femme sexualityfresh inspired healing social changingllayered diary curious glimpsesfemily oakland / emily howe
Emily "Femily" Howe, Oakland, CA
Femily is a contemporary urban artist from New York. Now living in Oakland, CA, Femily shows in Oakland Art Murmur spaces and in San Francisco galleries (and recently sold out her first illustration show). With her art, you get her roaring optimism, love for gender, passion for social change, and crush on urban spaces. Femily is also the founder of the urban art curatorial project Femme Cartel.
My Process: Paint, Collage, Flow
I paint to pour out my messy and to honor my truths and secrets. Doing art helps me go quiet inside and just understand it all. In art, I feel my inner self; I flow, I giggle, I get it. I do art because I can’t not. I think about my pieces all day and am drawn back back back. I work at home and in spurts, woven between life and instead of tv. When I cut really fast with scissors or paint messy messy messy I am reminded that I am free. Old stuck paintbrushes make the best textures. Second best are wiggly, painty fingertips. Onion bags are my netting texture. Couscous for grainy. The New York Times. vintage wallpaper. the insides of business envelopes. gathered and found images. I begin a piece by selecting one.catchy.image that moves me. Or by smoothing out a saucy, seductive painty background. Or by collecting found objects from the street or curiosity shoppes. I know my work is going well when I am filled up all day, outside my studio. when i see the outside world through new eyes. again.
Your Viewing Awake, Viewing Wooed
I make art objects that speak. Feel. urge. require. pulse. My favorite is when they push you, my viewer. Touch you. Help you go quiet far into your sweetest, most curious center. I want you to look, to engage, to feel me, to feel the you that is you. also, to catalyze your mind into new inquiries about gender, identity, social change, possibility, your secret truths, a longing, your littlest voices…The point is to let the pieces stir you awake from the numb, to let yourself be wooed by the unexpected, to wonder and go peaceful. It's about feeling inspired or (yes!) uncomfy. I want my art to make you say “wow, I wish I made that” or "I care" and then later go kick off your own you-style art or activism project. My favorite is when my art goes home with you to your vast loft entryways or radical nonprofit boardrooms or above the vintage couch in your very own quirkyalone Helen Gurley Brown studio
As Paula Abdul once sang, “Opposites Attract” and this can definitely be seen in the celebrity marriage of Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale. Although the two both rose to prominence as the lead singers for bands that became popular in the late 1990s, the couple rose to success in completely different fashions. While Stefani fronted the third wave ska act, No Doubt, who were praised by critics and fans for their colorful and unique pop sound, Rossdale’s band Bush was often criticized for being derivative of influential alternative acts like Nirvana and Pixies. Whereas Stefani portrayed a fun loving image that allowed her indulge in her girly side, Rossdale was the brooding, angry young man sneering stream of conscious lyrics over a noisy racket. Stefani’s band No Doubt represented a lightness in music while Rossdale was constantly trying to Bush into more darker overtones. Although one can focus on their differences, it’s hard to overlook that the two do share charismatic personalities and an understanding of the unique responsibilities that being a musician has.
Girly Wallpaper Biography
ledgy depth glamour spacegender graffiti race truth paintraw secrets open heartsmessy fierce tender punch!
drippy blocks textured identityred white black peach clearoakland brooklyn LA london the bronxpeek-a-boo femme sexualityfresh inspired healing social changingllayered diary curious glimpsesfemily oakland / emily howe
Emily "Femily" Howe, Oakland, CA
Femily is a contemporary urban artist from New York. Now living in Oakland, CA, Femily shows in Oakland Art Murmur spaces and in San Francisco galleries (and recently sold out her first illustration show). With her art, you get her roaring optimism, love for gender, passion for social change, and crush on urban spaces. Femily is also the founder of the urban art curatorial project Femme Cartel.
My Process: Paint, Collage, Flow
I paint to pour out my messy and to honor my truths and secrets. Doing art helps me go quiet inside and just understand it all. In art, I feel my inner self; I flow, I giggle, I get it. I do art because I can’t not. I think about my pieces all day and am drawn back back back. I work at home and in spurts, woven between life and instead of tv. When I cut really fast with scissors or paint messy messy messy I am reminded that I am free. Old stuck paintbrushes make the best textures. Second best are wiggly, painty fingertips. Onion bags are my netting texture. Couscous for grainy. The New York Times. vintage wallpaper. the insides of business envelopes. gathered and found images. I begin a piece by selecting one.catchy.image that moves me. Or by smoothing out a saucy, seductive painty background. Or by collecting found objects from the street or curiosity shoppes. I know my work is going well when I am filled up all day, outside my studio. when i see the outside world through new eyes. again.
Your Viewing Awake, Viewing Wooed
I make art objects that speak. Feel. urge. require. pulse. My favorite is when they push you, my viewer. Touch you. Help you go quiet far into your sweetest, most curious center. I want you to look, to engage, to feel me, to feel the you that is you. also, to catalyze your mind into new inquiries about gender, identity, social change, possibility, your secret truths, a longing, your littlest voices…The point is to let the pieces stir you awake from the numb, to let yourself be wooed by the unexpected, to wonder and go peaceful. It's about feeling inspired or (yes!) uncomfy. I want my art to make you say “wow, I wish I made that” or "I care" and then later go kick off your own you-style art or activism project. My favorite is when my art goes home with you to your vast loft entryways or radical nonprofit boardrooms or above the vintage couch in your very own quirkyalone Helen Gurley Brown studio
As Paula Abdul once sang, “Opposites Attract” and this can definitely be seen in the celebrity marriage of Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale. Although the two both rose to prominence as the lead singers for bands that became popular in the late 1990s, the couple rose to success in completely different fashions. While Stefani fronted the third wave ska act, No Doubt, who were praised by critics and fans for their colorful and unique pop sound, Rossdale’s band Bush was often criticized for being derivative of influential alternative acts like Nirvana and Pixies. Whereas Stefani portrayed a fun loving image that allowed her indulge in her girly side, Rossdale was the brooding, angry young man sneering stream of conscious lyrics over a noisy racket. Stefani’s band No Doubt represented a lightness in music while Rossdale was constantly trying to Bush into more darker overtones. Although one can focus on their differences, it’s hard to overlook that the two do share charismatic personalities and an understanding of the unique responsibilities that being a musician has.
Girly Wallpaper
Girly Wallpaper
Girly Wallpaper

Girly Wallpaper
Girly Wallpaper
Girly Wallpaper
Girly Wallpaper

Girly Wallpaper
Girly Wallpaper
Girly Wallpaper
Girly Wallpaper
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